
Blue Skies Smilin' at Me?

Greetings from the afternoon! I promise not to make this a habit.

Every year around this time I find myself wishing away the months until warm weather arrives. With Christmas finished and the new year begun there really seems to be no point to the cold anymore.

In mid-December, the cold is expected and, dare I say it, welcome because it is the harbinger of the holidays. We want to hear about Frosty the Snowman and chestnuts roasting on open fires. Christmas comes and goes, and we arrive at the new year with a sense of hopeful anticipation and burgeoning potential. We countdown the seconds and throw our confetti while we snuggle in our warm coats against the current winter weather.

But then what?

When the celebrations are complete and normalcy has resumed, why does it need to be cold? I would contend that cold weather serves no purpose after New Year's Day. The only thing to be expected of cold weather in January is a nuisance. For those of us lucky enough to live in milder climates, cold weather abates rather abruptly, and we are all the better for it. Bring on the blue skies! I have a new blue sundress waiting to make its debut...

1 comment:

  1. The sundress is a fair point, but I love--LOVE--cold weather. I love snow. If it would snow for three solind months, that would be my ideal winter. Snow reminds me of my childhood growing up near Chicago, where epic, several-feet-deep snow was an inevitability. In a way, though, I'm glad snow is so rare down here. I appreciate it more that way.


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